The Man Absorbing Oil (Limited Edition)
静岡県在住のアーティスト・ 木村充伯 (1983-)は、木のかたちをそのままに、猫や人間などのモチーフを彫りだした作品や、油絵具そのものを材料とした彫刻などで知られています。 昨年ケンジタキギャラリーにて開催された個展「油を吸う男」(2010.5/8-6/5)では、数百もの顔が天井から垂れているという圧巻のインスタレーションも展示。 Artist/アーティスト Mitsunori KIMURA 木村充伯 The Man Absorbing Oil: Published on the occasion of the solo exhibition Mitsunori Kimura (born 1983 –) Kimura has created approximately 700 human’s faces using oil paints were suspended from the ceiling at the solo exhibition “The man absorbing oil” in 2010. Mitsunori Kimura was born in Shizuoka, Japan in 1983 and studied at Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design. He has worked as a contemporary sculptor. His work has been exhibited at 'IL DIO DELLE PICCOLE COSE', curated by Pier Luigi Tazzi, Casa Masaccio in Italy, at Seoul Museum of Art in South Korea, and at KENJI TAKI GALLERY, Japan and beyond. He lives and works in Shizuoka, Japan. Details Paperback/ペーパーバック 22pa...